Thank you so much for the comments yesterday and today! It warms my heart that you remembered me and asked how it went! :) xxx
I'm SO annoyed with Blogger right now, I spent a good while typing up a long update, using precious time while my children played (really rare to get the opportunity!), and my entry was eaten with a mistaken cut/paste command that my laptop keeps doing, and blogger autosaved it within a split second, aaaargh! So I haven't got time to write it again, and there was stuff I really needed to write about too. Urgh. So, quickly instead:
I had my scan yesterday and everything is FINE - big relief! :) Both my ovaries and my uterus look healthy and normal!
I got my period BEFORE Christmas - only a 4 day luteal phase, which I had hoped wouldn't be the case, but oh well. I just hope I ovulate again this cycle and don't have many months to wait again for another short luteal phase. I REALLY hope I can have another baby some day! :) This paragraph is a MAJORLY condensed form of various things I wrote originally, but never mind, it will have to do for now.
I'm temping and charting - CD18 so far and no EWCM so far. Usually when my periods are just getting going again and my LP is really short, I ovulate LATE in my cycles. Gradually my ovulation works back in the cycle until it gets near to 20 days, but it can be as late as 40-50 days before that happens. I would usually expect EWCM for 5 or more days before ovulating, and sometimes I don't ovulate even then, and have to wait for another round of it later in the cycle.
I have had back pain but I think it is muscular, as I followed an online video to release muscles that can cause back and hip pain, and over a few sessions of that, it has all but gone! If it starts to come back, I do the techniques again and it goes away. The only thing I'm left with is pretty bad pain in my left knee, which I think was there along with my back pain because of compensating or something. I have tried the release techniques for knees, but it hasn't worked yet.
Otherwise I'm feeling much better, and relieved to put most of my physical symptoms down to exhaustion and Anxiety Disorder (I have GAD and Health Anxiety - fun fun!). That way I can tackle it as anxiety, which is helpful.
I had much more to say, but my children are running wild now, and I have to make lunch! :)