So my temp dropped again this morning. It is now below the triphasic level, still a good temp and not anywhere near my coverline or anything, but that's the second drop in a row. I do know it doesn't necessarily mean anything, but I'm just saying. Then I made an appointment to see the doctor, for 9am. I didn't have a test left to use, so I just didn't go to the loo for my first morning wee until after I got back from the doctor (having swung by the chemist first to buy a test!). So that meant 10 hours-ish, of urine saved. And the test was faded on the top half (both the test and control line), but even the lower half that was normal looked like it was a bit fainter than yesterday's test. Even after 10 hours of urine... So that has made me feel a bit unconfident about things. Weird thing is, I am still nauseous from getting up to, well, now (right before going to bed). I am pregnant-tired out (had the luxury of a 2 hour crashed-out nap this afternoon with Lydia, since Neil was home today!), heartburn-y, and still have the weirdly soft skin, etc. I know the hormones hang around for a while so symptoms can remain, but it's so early that they'd only just gone UP, surely?! So if they've dropped enough to affect my temp and the strength of the line on a test, wouldn't that same cause have made a difference to my morning sickness by now?
Anyway. The spotting and bleeding has continued, almost identical to yesterday - always dark red, except for a while late morning when it was brown-ish instead and I got overly excited because YAY, finally old blood!!! But this afternoon (at the exact same time of day as yesterday actually), I suddenly had a bleed that dripped into the toilet, which isn't so encouraging. It lasted a short bit, and then stopped. Like STOPPED. It has been probably 8 hours since then, I had a little spotting when I wiped at first, and then no spotting at all, even when I wipe! I keep thinking I feel bleeding, and rushing off to check, but there's nothing at all at the moment, which is nice! I am sure it might start up again at any time though. It's day 5 of bleeding now, and it isn't changing like menstrual blood, just staying the same.
The doctor I saw this morning pushed about on my tummy all over the place, and said he wasn't concerned that it might be an ectopic pregnancy (thankfully!), but that it would be a good idea to have a scan to see what is going on in there. He is going by the first day of my last period (why oh why didn't I just do what I usually do and lie so that the "first day of my last period" is exactly 2 weeks before my ovulation date, so that their dates are accurate?!!), which would make me 5 weeks and 1 day pregnant today. I said that I am pretty sure I ovulated a week later than "usual" so may only be 4 weeks pregnant, and asked if the scan would be too early to see anything therefore. He asked when my first positive test was, and when I said 6 days ago, he said I must have ovulated 3 weeks ago then! *sigh* Ah well! ;) I love that they are being very nice and efficient for me, and I didn't suggest or ask for a scan at all! :)
The doctor phoned me at home after I got back, to tell me he had arranged a scan for Thursday this week! That's the day after tomorrow, and I will be 4 weeks and 3 days pregnant, if I am still hanging in there by then. I googled and it looks like I might be able to see the gestational sac by then, which would be good to see. I don't want to waste an appointment, so if things change or my tests get lighter I will cancel it.
I went out again tonight and bought more tests - maaaan, the money we spend on pregnancy tests, lol! I never used to spend much all these years, just bought a cheap bulk pack of strips on the internet for like £5 and that kept me going for at least one pregnancy, lol! These First Response tests are GREAT, and now I'm watching the progression of the tests, I have to keep using them, and they are way more expensive than cheapy sticks! ;) Anyhow, I bought a couple more tonight (used a coupon though - go me!), and now I have two to use.
Tomorrow will tell all, I think. My temp will either drop, stay the same, or go up. If it drops, I will feel like I only need to confirm what I'm thinking with a test to see the line get lighter again. If it's the same, it could go either way. If it goes up, that's good. I hope I get an accurate temp and do not wake up cold and mouth-breathing! ;)
Tomorrow is also a crunch day for testing. With a slightly lighter test result today, either it will continue to get lighter tomorrow, which will be a final verdict really. Or it will stay about the same (still not good, because after 2 days it ought to get darker), so I'll have to keep on checking the next day to see what happens. OR it will get darker, which will be good.
I am not feeling particularly confident about either the temp or the test, for some reason. I am trying to remind myself that right now I am 100% pregnant, and blessed with the privilege of carrying a new baby, a new little life, inside me. Today's blessing doesn't change if it's all taken away tomorrow. Today is still today. I am still "with child" today, and rejoicing in it! :)
I will update tomorrow.