Hormones! :)

Thanks so much for the lovely comments and prayers, I really appreciate each of them!

I am just updating to say that my blood test results had a note with them that said, "All satisfactory", so I am guessing that my hormone levels are normal, and nothing else is worrisome, which is a relief! I am going to talk to the doctor about it next week to find out the exact numbers. I got my scan appointment for January 7th. It's a transabdominal scan of my pelvis, so I have to drink a litre of water before I go in. I'm so hoping it's either all clear, or a harmless cyst.

I'm also encouraged by a couple of other things - firstly, I have had a REALLY bad back the last couple of days. The pain has kept me awake at night and radiated around my side and front. It burned like classic muscle spasm, and I don't think cysts cause muscle spasm, so that's something. At the same time I had HORRIBLE IBS yesterday - soooo much pain and wind and bloating. I couldn't eat during the evening until it eased off, and when it did, I realised how familiar it was as the IBS I used to get sometimes, particularly when I was in a change-of-hormones time, like early pregnancy (I took another test the other day, by the way, just in case - definitely negative! I'm so sad my tests are reaching their expiry dates! :( ) or in my cycle somewhere (before a period sometimes).

Ironically, the day after I wrote the last entry here, all worried that it was nearly a year since I'd had a period, I had a temperature rise on waking! Not huge, but definitely into my post-ovulatory range (this range NEVER changes, for me - anywhere below 36.3 or so is pre-ovulatory, anything above is post-ovulatory, unless I'm temping after a lie-in, and then it's always higher than it should be). It was 36.39. Next morning (yesterday), up a bit more to 36.49! Also AT LAST the incessant EWCM has eased off!! So I was hopeful that maybe I actually ovulated the day I wrote here last. This morning I was so excited and nervous before taking my temperature - easily as much as if I was in the 2WW, hoping to be pregnant, lol! I was thrilled to get 36.68!!! And 3 days running means I got confirmation of ovulation on my chart, yaaaaaay!!! I ovulated!!! :D

This is SO reassuring to me. I know there's no way to be sure I'll get another period, or if I do, in the near future. I don't know if I'll ever be fertile enough to have another baby. I can't tell you how much I hope I WILL be! I really thought my time was up these last few weeks, and to be honest I was having a hard time coming to terms with it. Anyway, for now, I am feeling more confident that I am dealing with a back injury + bad IBS, re. the pain. I hope... I am putting ice on my back many times a day as my chiropractor once told me to, and laying as low as I can with 7 children to look after, Christmas around the corner, and Samuel's 4th (FOURTH!!!) birthday to get ready for tomorrow! :P And now I'm waiting for a period! :) Never thought I would be so happy to say that, lol! I'm intrigued to find out what is going on with my body - no idea how long my luteal phase will be, as this timing is a first for me. I'm also slightly apprehensive about the actual period, because I keep hearing that a first period in a LONG time, especially following weeks of attempts to ovulate, can be extremely heavy and hard to manage. Sounds fun for Christmas! ;) Hope I get past Christmas before it turns up though.

I am excited to think mayyyybe I'm returning to normal with my cycles? Maybe? And looking forward to charting actual things happening in my cycles again! ;) I'll update again soon - thanks so much for praying for me. Please remember me on Jan 7th for my scan!

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