6DPO, still here!

Well, I'm still here at the end of 6DPO, despite a temp drop this morning to 36.48. I was very frustrated because as soon as Neil got up and went to work (4.30am or so), all the little ones began waking in rounds and I basically didn't get much further sleep to note, urgh! They do this more nights than not, these days, and I'm SO tired from it. It is also NOT useful for temping when I particularly  need an accurate temp!!! :/

Last night after I updated here, I had an IBS attack, which meant trips to the loo and feeling crampy and nauseated and anxious, bleurgh. So I always wait those out and THEN go to bed, otherwise I tend to wake again in the night with the same troubles. I rarely have that kind of IBS issue these days though, so it was a bit unusual for me. It seemed to be part of the crazy gassy troubles (sorry!) that I'm rather pregnant-ly having! ;) Those are typical for me at this stage, every time.

Aaargh I am suddenly having a nosebleed! What is up with that?! Back in a minute.

Weird. My nose feels a bit delicate and not sure if it's finished bleeding yet, but it seems to have stopped for now. I've been a bit sneezy (allergy-ish) since last night so I've been blowing my nose a bit more than usual, but I don't usually get nosebleeds from just blowing my nose! I can't think whether that could be pregnancy related or not?! Or just very random of me!

ANYWAY! So I felt too horrible to lie down anyway, and was grateful for Lydia sleeping soundly for a few hours during the evening. My tummy started to settle enough to get ready for bed after midnight. I was so tired. I was up and out of bed here and there to resettle Elijah, put covers on Samuel, pray for Benji after a dream, etc. And of course Lydia woke and wanted to feed at least twice in that time. I think I dozed for who knows how long, but let's guess 20 minutes - a total guess - it felt like anywhere between a few minutes and maybe 30 minutes for the rest of the entire night, very light sleep and not cosied up in bed properly, just hoping not to wake anyone by moving! And then Elijah came to my bedside again and whispered, and that woke Lydia, and she would not go back to sleep despite my efforts for 10 minutes. It was an hour earlier than they usually get up for the day (especially Lydia). So I had no choice but to temp right then, and it was such a bummer because even as I waited for the beeps, I knew it would be a totally inaccurately low temp, as several things can cause my temp reading to be lower than it really is: 1) too early compared with my normal temp time, 2) not being cosy and warm upon waking, 3) no proper sleep for a good while before temping, and 4) being up and out of bed without a good block of sleep before temping. ALL of the above applied!! Urrrggghhh! I was so frustrated about it all - my temp looks like it's really dropping off, and it MIGHT well be, and I might well be getting a period any minute now, BUT I know that's not my accurate core body temp for this morning and I would have liked to know what that was, for progression of things and future reference, etc.

So, on the subject of frustrations (!), I have been way more irritable than before, today. Maybe tiredness is a major factor, but this feels different. I have a very short fuse, overreacting like CRAZY with the boys over things like spills, etc. Their noise is unbearable! It was yesterday too, actually, but more so today. Ugh. So irritable, more so with Neil than usual today as well (though not too bad overall, just more than for a while).

Plenty of things to report still, despite the temp drop. I continue to feel exactly as before. Nothing has changed. I've had a few patches of bad cramps, that don't last long. More prolonged patches of pubic bone pain (a very uncomfortable sort of "boring" type of pain) in both sides of my pubic bone (over the top and under/above), but especially on my left. I have had groin twinges, quite sharp and deep at times, otherwise dragging and boring, almost crampy, through from pubic bone and down through my groin into my thigh a bit. Both sides but not usually at the same time. I've actually had more of that than general cramps today. Most hours of the day, I have had some of the pubic bone area pain going on, varying degrees of discomfort and varying types of sensation. Also more of the hot backache, on and off. I've had a deep ache inside my right hip. Mild but uncomfortable.
I haven't felt much like eating today because my IBS has continued a bit through the day today. That's usually the case after an attack, the next day. I still feel sensitive in my tummy and generally yucky, and I don't usually feel like eating much. But today, at the same time as the off-my-food thing, I'm painfully hungry (I also was in the night while awake, and for breakfast when I got up this morning). Same at lunch time, though I didn't feel like actually eating - weird to be so hungry at the same time! So I've eaten as usual, because I'm scrunchingly hungry if I don't.

Late this afternoon and during this evening I have felt actually gaggy, just a little bit. We had sweet corn with dinner tonight, and it made me feel like gagging (this rings a bell - definitely pregnancy related, period coming or not! I'm sure it was sweet corn in the previous pregnancy I'm thinking of as well!). Feel really quite nauseated this evening. The just-beginning-to-die flowers in a vase on the mantelpiece made me feel sick and like I couldn't be near them (halfway across the room from them) - I thought the smell was mildew at first and was surprised it made me feel sick as I quite like the smell of mildew! ;)

Oh! I had a butter-fingers incident this evening, making custard for dessert. Wasn't it custard and apple pie/crumble that I dropped at 7 or 8DPO when pregnant with Matthew or Nathan (or both of them)?! Interesting isn't it?! ;) Anyway, I reached up to get the stashed lemon sponge pudding that I'd made yesterday, out of the high cupboard and knocked the sugar container out (just pure clumsiness really), which of course fell onto my glass of water and so there was sugar and water all over the kitchen surfaces and floor. And of course I majorly overreacted. I was aware of how pregnant it was of me though (as was Neil!)!

I'm still so very tired out, but then I had a bad night. Just so tired though. I have felt lightheaded/dizzy with it at times. I'm having very... *specific* CM since a day or so after I ovulated... I can spare you all the details, but the personal notes I write for my chart (which nobody else can see) are detailed, and I was pretty happy to randomly discover tonight that a paragraph I wrote about today and yesterday's CM was almost identical to a paragraph I wrote about my CM at 6 and 7DPO on Lydia's pregnancy, even though such CM is unusual for me! :) Yes, I write *paragraphs* about CM, lol! :P

I felt a bit headachy for a while today and thought, "Oh no, here's the pre-period headache starting!" but it never really kicked in at all. I feel quite sinusy today, and for the first time in a while I have been sneezy and a bit allergy-ish (NOT a cold, I can tell the difference), and that was another annoyance in the night, my nose was snuffly sometimes after sneezing and I didn't want to risk mouth-breathing before temping!! Tsk!

Oh! I knew there was something I'd been meaning to mention - for several days now I have had a mild scratchy/sore throat. Not turned into anything (I have had zero exposure to any viruses and my glands are all down and normal), but I've had a little bit of gunk in my throat with it (need to clear it at night) and woke up this morning with a slightly gravelly voice (part of the allergy in the night??). Anyway, my throat tickles/grates a LITTLE (very little, but enough to make note of) in the night sometimes and I've noticed that it's a bit irritated, so I remembered that sore throat is quite common in early pregnancy charts, so I thought I'd better note it here! I know I've had it before several times at this stage of the 2WW in pregnant cycles. 

I guess I am totally waiting until tomorrow morning's temp to know for sure what is going on. I still have no sign of a period coming, now at bedtime, after this morning's temp drop. If it was a drop for that reason, tomorrow it will have dropped RIGHT OFF below the coverline. If it rises, then I know! :) I will test if so, at 7DPO (do not care if it's too early!), but I'm not really expecting a rise. It feels SO weird to say that, because I totally 100% feel pregnant. Often when I have a temp drop because my period is impending, I notice (if not straight away, then over the course of the day) that my symptoms are changing. "Pregnant" ones are disappearing or fading, and maybe I will get some new ones that are more typical pre-period ones. Or just neutral-ness, no symptoms of any sort, just waiting for my period to kick in. But I don't know. With today's drop I'm expecting a further drop tomorrow, but I have allll these pregnancy symptoms still going strong anyway, AND some new definite pregnancy symptoms starting today SINCE the temp drop (the gagginess and sensitive smell, the clumsiness, etc. - those are the main ones). I'm still getting these cramps and twinges that I have never ever ever had before a period, only ever because I'm pregnant, even if the pregnancy ends early and I get a period, so to speak. Those haven't faded or disappeared - they seem more prevalent than ever before, today.

If my temp stays on a level with today's, that will be odd, but it has happened once I think, with a short luteal phase that ended up a chemical pregnancy (two days the same, before the big drop and the period). Two days the same will give me a definite feeling of chemical pregnancy, I think. I won't be thinking, "Oh, it might go back up?" Anyway. Nothing more to do now but go to bed, PRAY for a good night's sleep tonight (there don't seem to be many of those with my little ones lately), and see what happens with my temp in the morning. I will be BEYOND frustrated if I have the same shenanigans with the children's wakings in the morning as I did today! I NEED MY SLEEEEEP!! It's crazy how little they are giving me lately, in the hours from 4am onwards. I can't get an accurate temp without a good block of sleep in that time, and a normal waking time, warm enough in bed and NOT mouth-breathing! I hope I can have everything as it should be just so I can rest assured that whatever temp I get in the morning, it'll be accurate and I know where I stand.

I will update my chart in the morning with my temp, which will be many hours before I get chance to update here again, so if you're on tenterhooks (gasp! lol!) then that's the place to check - link to my chart on the right hand side here. Thanks for hanging in there with this crazy obsesso-woman!! ;)

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