My temp went up this morning! :) So at least I will have a longer luteal phase than last time! I hope it will be longer still, or that I'll have my miracle and be healthily pregnant, but we'll see.

The bad cramps I had last night went away this morning, surprise surprise! ;) This afternoon I was cooking for over an hour, making a lamb hotpot, and partway through standing doing that, I got some hot, periody, crampy pains low in my abdomen. They stayed for a couple of hours and that was it. TOTALLY pregnant. I have never had this without being pregnant, and I've experienced it many times, but only when I AM pregnant (chemical pregnancies as well), so I know it.

I'm continuing to be weirdly tired, and I think I am feeling more irritable today than usual. I have more CM than usual, since the day I ovulated actually - quite unusual for me, so I'm making note of it at my chart. Today I am... ahem... REALLY gassy. Bleurgh! I was lying awake last night wondering when that would kick in, and lo and behold! ;) It's an early pregnancy symptom for me, although obviously I get it from time to time when not pregnant too, so on its own it wouldn't be much of a symptom.

What else? I have a solitary spot on my face that came up tonight. I only get spots (even solitary ones) when they are hormonally influenced, and I remember that starting in the 2WW when pregnant, but I can't remember much about whether I get that before a period? Stinking memory! I have had some sharp ligament type pains on both sides at different times today, inside my hip area, and also some sharp twinges and pains under/on and just above my pubic bone, mostly on my right, but once on my left too. These are all familiar to me, but again, only when I've been pregnant.

No increased weeing or hunger today. Right now I have pain in my left lower abdomen which goes through my pubic bone, out my lower back on that side, and radiates into my groin. It's that kind of thing, that I've had on and off today at various times. Not much proper cramping, that's mostly been confined to that one block of an hour or two this afternoon. I have the hot/heavy pit-of-the-abdomen feeling still - that's there all the time, and I just feel overly warm in my face all the time, like my skin is flushed even when it's not. I am kind of aware of my core temperature being raised a bit more than it usually is. I know when I've had chemical pregnancies before, sometimes I've actually been aware of that no longer being there, and then I know. And it's confirmed by a temp drop the next morning and then a period.

I want to get excited! I will let myself start testing at 7DPO (too early, yes yes) with the super sensitive 10mIU tests (instead of the standard 25mIU ones). My cheapy sticks (both the 10 and the 25s) JUST expired, but I still plan to use them. I also have a Clearblue Digital leftover from the twin pack I bought when I was testing early in Lydia's pregnancy (my first one I had ever used!), and I got a "pregnant 1-2" with that, remember?! :) So this test is its... twin! ;) Waiting to be used. And the expiry date isn't until June, thankfully. I wouldn't use that until I was sure that I wanted to confirm a cheapy stick with some sort of a line. Anyway 7DPO is just the day after tomorrow!!!!

I am teetering on the brink of excitement over it. I WANT to be excited, because it is exciting! But I KNOW my stats. I know I've never had a 4 day luteal phase and then pregnant the next cycle. I've had lots of conceptions that haven't progressed after a 4 day luteal phase though... :( Then I think, well I shouldn't look at stats. God is bigger. I know that too. But it's not likely really. I know... I feel sure, that I have conceived. I FEEL pregnant, already. I feel pregnant. But the chances of my body having the right levels of hormones, etc. to sustain it through implantation (first couple of weeks) is really low. :(

I find my thoughts starting to wonder though, today, and I'm trying to shake back to reality and keep my feet on the ground. I know my due date would be October 14th, 9 days before Lydia's 2nd birthday. All my babies have their own birth month - I LOVE how that has worked out! :) They were born in January, May, June, July, October, November and December. If this pregnancy sticks then it would be the first baby born in a month that someone else was already born in... so of course my imagination then runs to: My first girl was born in October, and here would be another October baby - maybe my girls would be born in October, while my boys have their own month each?!?!! Aaannnd cue excitement. *sigh* I have to STOP IT!!! I could very likely have a big plummet in the temp department tomorrow and start my period by this time tomorrow! So I shouldn't let my mind run away with things. I should just wait and see and be "neutral". But it's hard!

So, I will update tomorrow. If my temp drops then at least I will have made it to a 5 day luteal phase this cycle. I wouldn't be THAT thrilled with just 5 days though. :/ I hope my LP will lengthen a bit more than that, otherwise it could take many cycles to get to a point where I could sustain a pregnancy, and I'm getting impatient, lol! ;) :P

Thanks so much for the happy, excited comments! xxx

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