I am so confused this morning. M temperature dropped, and I am frustrated again, because I didn't have a good run of sleep leading to temp time (lots of wakings from little ones, especially very near to waking for the day, etc.) and then Lydia and I were woken AN HOUR AND A HALF EARLIER THAN MY USUAL TEMP TIME, GRRRR!!! I can't really blame her brothers for it, because they were so excited at seeing freshly fallen snow, but I knew that 90 minutes would make a massive difference to my temp. Worst of all, my mouth was as dry as a bone when I woke, because I had been mouth breathing on top of all of it!!!! SO frustrating! I was encouraged that at least my temperature hadn't dropped enough to warrant worrying about my period or anything. I planned to test when I finally got chance to go for a wee, after I sorted breakfast and clothes for the kiddies, and figured I would have to wait for a better opportunity for an accurate temp tomorrow, to see what's really going on.
I went to get clothes for the kiddies while they ate breakfast, and suddenly felt slightly... leaky. I was sure it was more of the CM I've been having, so I went to the loo armed with a test stick, and was SO surprised and confused to see bright red blood on my underwear. It seemed heavy for a moment as I sat there on the toilet, and then it eased off. I was so taken-aback by it, I just sat there holding the test stick, and then I decided to test anyway, since the tests are needing to be used, and it would give me closure.
Then, if that were not confusing enough, as I watched the pink clear across the freshly dipped test stick, a line came up (faint, but definite) within a minute or two, seriously! Even before the pink had cleared, I could see it. It faded a bit as it cleared, but still there. It's SO faint, I have had trouble getting it to show on a photo, and wondering if I'm crazy. It's nothing like the tests from 7 or 8DPO though, and 8DPO I felt like it was a bit more shadowy on the line area than 7DPO even though it was definitely negative. I would actually call this a positive test, not a maybe. SO faint though. If I wasn't bleeding I would not be concerned about that at only 9DPO.
Also, with Elijah I had a BIG temp drop (well below coverline) and bleeding at 7DPO and I stopped temping/charting, and treated it exactly as a period. Only to find 10 days later that my "period" wasn't behaving like a normal one, and I was feeling tired and yucky - BFP the same day! ;) I remember I wished I'd continued temping, so I will continue until a definite confirmation with my temps - today's little drop wasn't enough, and I'm surprised to see a period so quickly to be honest. Usually I will get a PLUNGE in temperature, and my period will start later in the day. Today my temp hasn't dropped all that much, and yet my period (if it's that) seems to be here right away. I'm keeping an eye on the pad I'm wearing. So far I am having only light bleeding, since the initial start. I feel crampy since starting bleeding, but I wasn't at all crampy beforehand. Not bad cramps really though.
Tomorrow is Saturday, which is a big relief, as Neil usually lets me lie-in after I'm woken by little ones getting up for the day - he gets up with them (which is a lie-in for him of 3 or 4 hours, as he tells me! He gets up for work at 4.30am!!!). This means I should have a great chance of an accurate temp tomorrow. With all the circumstances right, if my temp has dropped down, I KNOW this pregnancy has ended and the period is a true one. If it doesn't drop (or goes up) then I am suspicious and will test again! ;)
Here's the best I could do with a photo - I personally think the line is well visible on this photo, however faint it is, but it's not as clear as if you're really holding the stick and looking at it. I am definitely calling it a positive test. When it's dry later, I can compare it to my tests from 7DPO and 8DPO, which will be helpful, but already I know it's a totally different result from the last two, however faint.
[ETA: urgh, I am not liking the quality of photo that Blogger has created with my NOT grainy photo! :/ Not sure what to do about it, except maybe upload it to photobucket and post it from there instead? Here's another try, from photobucket:]