The only thing I can think of, other than waiting for my period to show up, is the fact that FF changed my ovulation date earlier in my cycle. Because I charted 3 days of EWCM after I ovulated, FF decided that I didn't ovulate then after all. I felt sure that I did, so I changed the EWCM on my chart to make it go back to the original ovulation prediction. I did have EWCM but it seemed not to be "peak" type of EWCM, to me (I think I blogged this?) so I felt that it was just fading off after ovulation but taking days about it, or something! ;) That sounds a bit lame, now I read it back! Also, it's unusual for me to have a pre-ovulatory temp of 36.38 (or whatever it was exactly) BEFORE ovulation. Usually I can go up to 36.2-36.3 before ovulation. Anything above that is usually post-ovulation.
So, with the slightest possibility that I ovulated a bit later than I thought, I went back to my chart and put the EWCM back as it was, to see what FF would make of it. Sure enough they put my ovulation date as 3 days later, which would make me 8DPO today. I am not sure.... Weirdly soft skin started only 5DPO that way, and I'm not sure if that's likely. Parsnips would have been 4 days before ovulation that way, which has resulted in 3 of our children before, so it's still possible...
Being 8DPO might explain why my period is taking "so long" to show up, pregnant or not. I would expect it to turn up at maybe 9 or 10dpo if I wasn't pregnant, giving me a luteal phase this cycle of 8 or 9 days. If it's this long and I'm not pregnant, that's a bit unexpected.
I'm leaving the chart as it is for a bit so you can see what I mean. Thoughts? I am basically waiting for my period, and currently okay with that, but I still can't shift the fact that I am totally experiencing proper pregnancy symptoms that can't be psychological in nature, and which I never ever get unless I really am pregnant. If my period shows up, then okay, but I'm still confused! :/