Confusion mayyybe resolved (still confused though, lol!)

Wow, this has been a weird one! :)

Well, it seemed like the least likely option, but I think I am going to have to presume that I DID ovulate later than I thought, which really has caught me out. I usually know my body so well! I did have some cramps that I didn't put down to ovulation at all, because I thought I had already ovulated, which (looking back) could have been ovulation pain. But still... I feel so.... it's funny, almost! ;)

I also have no idea what to make of that 9DPO test I posted a picture of. That was a line, faint, but there, and then all the other tests didn't really have anything significant to show. They all had something but I couldn't call it a positive line (I guess they are evaporation lines - again, not much experience with those as the tests I use are usually pretty good for not getting those too badly), so I charted them negative. I left the 9DPO day blank on my chart because I still didn't know whether to call it positive or negative (and 10DPO the same).

But NOW, those days are actually 6DPO and 7DPO, so waaaaay too early to test. Then yesterday when I did a super sensitive test, which was negative, that would have been 8DPO instead of 11DPO like I had originally though. Such a confusing time, lol!

Well, I had cramps and all the usual obvious (for me) pregnancy symptoms I've been having. Neil and I had date night last night which was lovely, and I was much more relaxed going to bed. I figured my temp would drop this morning but it's UP! 36.83! I didn't leap out of bed and test, but when I had fed Elijah and Samuel, and talked to Neil for a while about it, I decided to test again with a super sensitive test, just in case it WAS true about me having ovulated 3 days later (and thus today would be 9DPO).

I looked at the instructions for my new tests, and to my surprise it said to dip the stick for at least 10 seconds (never been doing that, lol!) and then to wait 5-10 minutes to confirm a negative, and to ignore any changes after TEN minutes. I always thought it was 3 minutes, but maybe different tests have different rules? Anyway, so I followed the instructions exactly. It was a negative test for about 3 or 4 minutes, and then I started to see a shadow. There was plenty going on with the kids, and Neil was rushing to get ready for work, so I didn't get the luxury of sitting for the whole 10 minutes and watching my stick, lol! By the time I had smuggled it (Arthur knows what they are and is DES. PERATE. for me to be pregnant) to Neil in the kitchen, probably 5 or 6 minutes had elapsed, and I held it up and asked him if he could see a line. He said, "Mmmm, mayyybe.... yes, there's definitely something there..." and after I'd held it at the window and under normal light, and under flourescent light (haha, slightly obsessive!) another minute had passed (still not 10 minutes yet), and Neil asked to see again, so I showed him. He said there was definitely a line, which I could see too, but I never know if I'm seeing things, lol!

Anyway, now that it's almost dry, I can compare it with yesterday's super sensitive test. They're different! Different enough for me to say that I think I am pregnant! :) I took a photo of them next to each other for comparison (the one from yesterday has one black dot, and today's has two) - the light was this really odd blue morning light coming in the window, but apart from a bit of contrast I haven't altered the photo to make it look more obvious or anything.

I think that's confirmation that I'm pregnant! :) Even if for some reason the pregnancy doesn't stick, right now I am pregnant, and I finally have evidence! :) I would normally start jumping about and saying exactly what my gestation is, etc, but I don't know what to call it! Do I stick with 9DPO (and thus 3 weeks and 2 days pregnant), or go with the original ovulation date and call myself 12DPO and 3 weeks and 5 days pregnant? I think maybe implantation occured at 7DPO with the dip in temperature, because those two days were the worst cramps EVER, even keeping me awake. The last 24 hours of cramping have been bothersome but not nearly as bad as that, so maybe... Also I would never get a positive test within 24 hours of ovulation, and a sensitive test would be the only thing to stand a chance in the following 24 hours (today), so that would make sense.

Anyway, YAY!! Pregnant! Baby #7!! Vindicated, ha! ;) I *knew* something pregnant was going on, even with my chart and test sticks confusing me!

I will definitely be back soon to update again, probably this evening as Neil is out from 8am to 11.30pm today (he's got a team-building bowling session this evening in central London), so I'll be taking a deep breath and managing all the littles by myself at bedtime, and then probably getting stuck into some internet stuff this evening while I wait up for him. I know my temp could still drop and I could still bleed (in fact, it would be statistically UNlikely for me NOT to bleed in any case), so I will post frequently to keep you up to date.


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