A most definite confirmation! :)

I was really second-guessing myself after yesterday's positive test, because even though it looked good and positive, by the afternoon it had faded quite a lot. By the evening I was REALLY getting doubtful about it. It looked almost like the negative test from the day before at 8DPO. I began to get that feeling that I would never see a positive test, after all the many tests I'd peed on over the past week or so, lol! Same kind of feeling as the one at the other end of pregnancy when you genuinely feel like you will NEVER give birth, lol! ;)

I did have continuing pregnancy symptoms last night but nothing new to report as such, except for a few odd sensations in the nether regions (!! - that sounds so daft, but I don't want to attract perverts via google!) which I have only ever had in the first couple of weeks of pregnancy (not all my pregnancies though, but only ever in that early stage of pregnancy). So that made me think, "Well, I obviously AM pregnant, but who knows if I will be in the morning..." and other rational things like that, haha! ;)

So this morning I temped, not having any idea what to expect - I didn't feel particularly "warm" or "cool" like I sometimes do in terms of my core body temperature. Sometimes I have a vibe of what to expect. So I was excited when I got 36.87 - almost the highest temp so far this cycle, and another tiny rise on yesterday's! :) I still wasn't sure whether to test or not, because I still had a sense of doubt over whether I'd get a line at all, and if I did, I felt like it would be likely the same as yesterday's, and then fade off. I knew if I was pregnant it needed to be darker each day, but I expected it wouldn't be, so I was nervous to get that kind of confirmation.

I tested anyway - probably about 7 hours worth of urine. I used a super sensitive test, like the previous two days. Being 10DPO, I knew I "should" be seeing a positive test with a sensitive one, by today. I was so nervous nothing would show! But I did see a line! I was cautiously excited, but it didn't look all that clear to me. It came up within 3 minutes, and it was pink. I compared it to the previous two days' tests, and figured it was pretty much the same as yesterday's, and would be likely to fade to nothing much by the end of the day. I showed Neil the three tests together, while he was trying to get ready for work - poor man! He had already said before, "Oh, just wait a couple more days and test then. Then you won't have the worry of whether or not it will be positive today."

Men seeeeriously don't understand the workings of a crazy obsesso-woman's brain when it comes to reproductive things!

So I had tested, and was flapping about whether the line was clearer than yesterday's. He said yes, it was. I said that yesterday's HAD looked like today's, but now it was like the first one at 8DPO. He said, no, it didn't look like 8DPO. That one was negative. There was a line on the 9DPO test, and a stronger line on the 10DPO test. End of. ;) So I was reassured somewhat! :)

I took a photo of the 3 tests together - the one at the bottom (3 dots) is today's test:

See, it's hard to even see the line, isn't it? It IS there, but it's really faint, and because I'm 10DPO, it's a super sensitive test, and I had a faint line already yesterday (so today's should be stronger), I was not sure about it. And see how yesterday's positive line, which was so clear on the photo yesterday, has faded away?

Today has been quite hard work. The night was awful - Nathan and Matthew went to bed with a sore throat, and we wondered if they were coming down with something. Matthew hates Calpol, but his throat was sore enough so that he wanted some pain relief at bedtime, so he let me give him some but washed every tiny sip of it down with a TON of water because he can't stand the taste. Of course he wet the bed a few hours later, so we needed to change that. Neil was out until almost midnight so I had to do the day plus bedtime (this is a bigger deal than it sounds! Bedtime is a bit of a nightmare in our house!), and evening wakings, of which there were plenty. Elijah woke 5 times during the evening, and 3 more overnight, including waking up at 2.50am and staying awake screaming for an hour and 20 minutes, no matter that we were taking it in turns to walk him, rock him, I breastfed him, etc. He was just miserable! This morning he woke up with a cold and a new tooth! Poor baby! :(

Benjamin and Samuel woke several times each, Nathan woke twice, and oh I just can't count the number of disturbances. Such a bad night's sleep! Over the course of the day, I now have five small boys running with snot and sneezing. Arthur is still standing, for now! ;) My throat isn't feeling 100% and my neck feels achy, so maybe I will be down with it next? It seems relatively mild though, so that's something at least. Anyway, so I have been really tired out today. I noticed a new thing which I put down to tiredness at first (along with the mild dizziness that I've had for the last 4 or 5 days now - pregnancy symptom, if you ask me!) - if I dash upstairs, or shout at someone (embarrassed to admit that I have been doing that), I run out of breath and have to breathe heavy for a moment. It was on the third occasion of that happening today when I finally thought, "Ohhhhhhh....!!" as I remembered the reason it felt familiar! ;) That happens to me right through pregnancy, but from as early as my luteal phase onwards. Also I had a really sore shooting pain inside my hip, about an inch or so above my pubic bone on the left side. It was like a knitting needle poking me there for 10 seconds or so. I was suspicious about it being pregnancy related, but at the start of the evening I had some tiny flashy mini ligament pains on both sides, just above my pubic bone! I KNOW what that means! :) Ooh, I have one right this second! :)

We got on with the day anyway, did school, etc. Heather's daughter came over in the afternoon, ate dinner with us, and stayed until Neil took her home after the boys were in bed, because Heather had surgery on her shoulder today and so it was a way for us to bless them by giving their daughter dinner (and she was a blessing to us in return!) and taking her home safely, as her parents weren't home at all until her dad came back late in the evening. So that was a great help to me, while poor Elijah was so unhappy, and the boys were difficult to handle as usual, etc. I was able to get maths and spelling lessons done with Arthur, as those are the most difficult to fit in when there are demands from other kiddies. If someone is here to occupy the others for a bit, I can get those lessons done easily. So I'm glad of her help today! She was not put off by our cold germs, either! :)

I had been chatting on Facebook to my friend Rebecca, who understands me very well in the ways of obsessing over early pregnancy symptoms, temps, and test sticks, lol! ;) She had suggested the super sensitive tests, and also suggested that I try a Clearblue digital test. I have had one in the house for a few days, but have been too nervous to take it, because I didn't want it to say "not pregnant" because it was too early or something. They're expensive! And I thought it would be the more likely result, and it would be kind of depressing to see. So I didn't take it.

But this evening I lay in bed breastfeeding Elijah to sleep (which didn't work), and having these mild Braxton Hicks type pressurey cramps as I did so, and the odd flashy teeny ligament pain, and I became more confident because of those sensations, that I must be pregnant. I can't be earlier than 10DPO, and my temp is still high. I MUST be pregnant. I just must. So I formulated a plan! ;) Very very naughtily, I had not been for a wee in an awful long time. I just hadn't had the opportunity, even though I had reeeally needed to go for a while. I know that's naughty of me! ;) But anyway. I had not been since I peed on a stick in the morning, so that was over 13 hours (!!!!) worth of urine! I began to get excited about the fact that it was a really good opportunity to get the best test result I could, if I tested NOW, this evening!

I went to get my tests so that I could squint at them again (haha!), and discovered to my happy surprise, that my test from this morning had NOT faded! It had a really obvious but faint line, still! That gave me even more hope that I might just get a positive result this evening.

I wanted to use the Clearblue digital, so that I could have an answer once and for all - not try to analyse the lines, but have something else do it for me and TELL me whether or not I was pregnant. Because the Clearblue digital test was sensitive to 25 mIU/ml of the pregnancy hormone, like the normal cheapy internet tests that I've always taken (not the 10 mIU tests I've been taking these past 3 days), I wanted to use a cheapy 25 mIU test as a "control". I thought that if I saw a line, however faint, I would dip the Clearblue digital in the same urine, and see what happened. Elijah took ages to settle, with Neil and I taking turns again, but part way through that, I dipped the cheapy stick and left it to sit while I held Elijah for a few minutes. Then Neil took over and I went back to look at the test stick. There was a line!!!! :) At least as strong as the line on this morning's test which was an even more sensitive test! A pink, fat, faint line! I was so excited!!! Neil took Elijah upstairs and walked him in the bedroom until he fell asleep, which wasn't too long because I had just breastfed him again.

Meanwhile I sat in the kitchen downstairs with my cup 'o' urine, and a wrapped digital test, and I was suddenly sooooo nervous and shakey with excitement! Much more so than when I do the cheapy tests, maybe because it would be so final - "pregnant" or "not pregnant". A real decision maker. I dipped the test exactly as the instructions said, put the cap back on and set in on the table. I couldn't look away! It had that hourglass figure flashing on the screen that means "waiting", and I was just practically twisting my own hands off watching it, lol! I couldn't bear the suspense, and I half didn't want to look, but couldn't look away. I couldn't sit in the end, either, so I got up and paced while I watched it. Then suddenly, up popped the result! Look what it said!!!

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! I'm prrrreggggnaaaaaaannnnntttt!!!! So excited!!!!! :D

It says, "pregnant 1-2" which means the test can tell that it has been 1-2 weeks since I ovulated. So 10DPO is spot on, I think. The test stick below it is the cheapy 25 mIU test that I took right before it. I don't know if you can see the line on it (it's there!) but I don't care!!! ;) There's a whacking great stick right above it that says PREGNANT!!!! :D

I showed Neil the test as he came downstairs from Elijah - I didn't want to give it away, but the ear-to-ear smile unfortunately was too powerful to override with my cheek muscles! ;) I just couldn't stop smiling, I was so excited and happy (still am!)!! He gave me a big hug and seems really happy. After a while he said, now he REALLY has to get the new role at work that he's been trying for! ;)

What a lovely way to end the day! I am wiped out but I don't even want to go to bed, I'm on a happy high after such lovely news! :) I'll still temp and test for a while, as I usually do until about 18DPO for confirmation. I like to do that.

My due date is October 22nd! My seventh baby (breathe. breeeeaaathe Alice.) is due just over 2 weeks before my eldest child's 9th birthday. Heather is unavailable for a full week from October 28th. She has arranged back up with the doula she used to work with, who is a Christian, and very lovely, but I want my Heather!! I hope the timing goes well, and I'm already considering a sweep on my due date, lol! ;) I have gone 8 days over my due date before, which wouldn't be ideal this time. I am so excited to be having an October baby! :) I love the fact that out of 7 children, they ALL have a different birth month! :) I was hoping to keep that up!

I am, of course, presuming to have a boy, especially with the parsnips being the only incidence, 4 days before ovulation. This used to be said to result in a girl, but some research found that it was actually more likely to produce a boy than a girl. Parsnips all the way through the cycle from beginning to past ovulation most likely results in a girl, apparently, and nope - we did not do that! ;) Besides, I have two babies already who have resulted from parsnips 4 days before ovulation (single occurrance) just like this time, and their names are Matthew and Nathan, so yeah - not girls! ;)

Without particularly planning it, we've ended up choosing names for the boys that all start with a different letter, and now I want to make sure we carry on that pattern! I like it. I also like that when they're in their teens and start getting more official mail, you know the type that is addressed to Mr. N. So-and-so - they will all have their own unique first initial so we will avoid having a letter addressed to Mr. N. So-and-so and having to open it and read it to see WHICH Mr. N. So-and-so it's for in our house! So, we've used A, M, N, B, S, and E. I used T for Toby - Elijah's tiny twin. Since just before I ovulated, I cannot shake the name from my head. I used it already. It would be odd to use it again. But I somehow SO want to use Toby for a child to whom I can actually say, "Toby, do you want some milky?" or even, "Toby! No hitting!" ;) I still just completely LOVE the way it sounds when I say, "Arthur, Matthew, Nathan, Benjamin, Samuel, Elijah, and Toby." Love it so much. But it feels wrong, and weird even, after using the name for a special tiny person who will always be in my heart. I can't sort out my feelings on that one. But the name won't leave my head at the moment.

Okay, I could ramble for hours more, but I feel crampy and my back aches, and I'm tired. I have lost all track of time but I think it must be late, so I am going to put the laptop away and go to bed.

I'm just so excited to share my news!!!! Baby #7 - praise you Lord!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so blessed and happy and thrilled! Scared will come later, lol! ;) But so happy!

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