I'm in my 2nd trimester!!! Yay!
I still feel sick, no change yet, although I did wonder today and maybe yesterday, if the gaps between the horrid nausea before mealtimes might be SLIGHTLY less grim... It's not terrible, like the early weeks were, but it can get pretty unpleasant when I need to eat a proper meal, or mid-morning if I didn't eat a filling enough breakfast. I feel sick most of the time. Tonight we had burgers with onion in them, so I'm nervously anticipating the next few days! Onion in any form (especially in large amounts) seems to make me feel horribly sick for the next three days, like last pregnancy. So I have mostly avoided it. Last time I accidentally ate it was in a Tesco ready meal - ridiculous amount of onions, it was fairly unpalatable really. Ate it anyway, and I wish I hadn't because I had three horrible days! I don't think there was much onion in the burgers so I'm hoping I'll get away with it!
My belly has suddenly popped, literally overnight. The night I was 12 weeks and 3 days pregnant, I had to get up for a wee in the night FOUR times. That was the maximum I'd had to deal with - the previous few nights were building up to it, 2-3 trips per night. The previous week was about once a night, occasionally not at all, so I could tell there was significant growth and restricted space going on in week 12! ;) Also I remembered from my previous pregnancies that it was somewhere around that time that my womb had popped out of my pelvis, along with increased discomfort and night weeing before it, and relief after. The night I was 12 weeks and 4 days pregnant, when I woke the next morning, I realised I had not had to get up once for a wee! :) Such a contrast to the previous few nights! So I wondered, but didn't really think about it again until later in the day when Neil pointed to my tummy and said it had REALLY grown today, and I looked down and there it was - a proper pregnant belly! :) It was early evening and we were trying to round kiddies up in the garden to get ready for bed, but Arthur took a photo for me:
It should show up bigger if you click on it. I think I prefer Photobucket to blogger's own photo uploady thing, for the way they display the photos on the blog, but oh well. This was quicker tonight. So there is my bump! :) Twelve weeks and 5 days. I'm so excited to be pregnant!! I meant to post it at the time, but here I am several days later and only just getting around to it. I also wanted to post a picture of my completed wall chart that I made for myself to get through the first 6 weeks of morning sickness, colouring in the days in rainbow colours as they went by. I can't believe I have completed it already! I haven't got around to taking a photo though. I have drawn a little footprint above the days where I have felt the baby move. :) Not every day, but most, since 9 weeks and 5 days. :) I haven't noticed much movement in the last couple of days, but hopefully everything is fine. I haven't had time to get my Doppler out since I last had cause to with bleeding.
This evening I had another "surge" of bleeding, but it wasn't too heavy, and I was VASTLY reassured to see that it was brown, not even slightly red. So I'm hoping the old blood is coming away and there won't be much left to see at the scan tomorrow.
My scan is TOMORROW!!!! I thought it would never come round! I can't wait to see my little treasure again, but also I am about going out of my MIND with anticipation over the nub, which I will surely see tomorrow! :) Nice and accurate now I'm this far along, so there shouldn't be any doubt. I am not sure if I will get a picture with the nub showing (it seems like this hospital is really stingy with scan pics compared with my previous one!). I think I will only get one picture, and if it doesn't show the nub you will have to take my word for it on what I should get a very good view of during the actual scan! ;)
I have second guessed myself SO many times in the last week or two. I have such a girl vibe. But then I eat some meat and it tastes GOOD, so maybe it's a boy then? And then the girl "vibe" is probably more of a wishful thinking vibe, lol! So that can't be trusted. I don't have a strong boy vibe, but I think maybe it could easily be a boy all the same. I am left with really truly having no idea what to expect in the nub department tomorrow. I think I lean more towards girl in my heart, but it seems very unlikely in reality, so I am trying to remember to expect the "usual" (ha!) boy nub! ;) Whichever it is, I will be so happy to know, and to move on to thinking ahead and bonding and planning names, etc! I know it's not the proper confirmation scan, and will try to wait for that before going all out, lol! I wouldn't "announce" based on a 13 week scan, but it's so much fun to have a good idea, all from my own observations, without an expert telling me what I'm having! I can't wait! I hope my little one is doing well in there. I've just realised we haven't got a nickname for this baby. That's the first time ever. I haven't even missed having one, it's just nice to refer to the baby as "the baby", honestly! We wondered if we would even have any more. And it's lovely to say "my little one" and vary what I call him or her.
I'm sure there's something else I'm meant to update about... the midwife follow-up appointment? I finished my booking appointment (I might have said this last entry, I can't remember when I last updated!), and am being referred to the home birth team - yay! Hopefully they will give me an appointment for 16 weeks, and then it's the 20/21 week scan (which I have to get the date for at the 16 week appointment, apparently), and then 28 weeks, 34 weeks, and 36, etc. Not many appointments when you are not having your first baby, but I am fine with it.
Well, it's late and I must go! I will update about the scan when I can, hopefully tomorrow.