Yesterday my temp dropped a bit, which - this will sound weird - I was almost expecting. Like an implantation dip kind of expectation, given that it was 6DPO with no temp drops so far before that. It wasn't that much of a dip, and I would have been thinking it might be the start of a drop towards getting my period, SO LONG AS it continued going down the next day. I felt strangely calm about it, because it's like I expected it to dip and then rise again the next day - no reason why I could possibly know or feel like I know, but there you go. Anyway so today it did rise back up! :) No period coming today at any rate! :)
I haven't had a whole bunch of symptoms this time round. I have a few that are well worth noting, but not the huge array of them that I had last cycle. I almost feel in "neutral" gear, like nothing is happening either way, but I remember that's a very typical way for me to feel when I'm pregnant, between 4 and 7 or 8DPO (going by my blog entries on my other pregnancies - haven't checked the earlier babies, but the more recent ones had this "neutral" feeling window.
I bought some pregnancy tests yesterday evening. I figured I ought to, since time is passing and I'm going to want to test in a couple of days if I haven't got my period by then, and I only have expired tests now (and the Clearblue which I want to use for confirmation). See? Soooo laid-back, lol! They should arrive tomorrow. I got early pregnancy tests (10miU) and normal ones (25miU) - not loads of them because I feel like (again, weirdly - and I may prove myself wrong anyway!) I won't need a load of tests in the bathroom cupboard. I've got enough for a couple of cycles though.
A really significant symptom which started on the afternoon of 5DPO, is nausea, and not just nausea, but that travel queasy kind (ie. morning sickness!). I could smell cars - like the smell of a coat that's been left in the car, a sort of yucky doggy fuel-like smell (blech!) - and once it started, I could smell it all of the later part of the afternoon, and the evening, and the smell made me feel sick - it pervaded everything, yuck! When he came home from work, I asked Neil, but he couldn't smell it at all. When I went to make the boys' dinner (felt too bloated/queasy to eat anything myself at that time), and got the sweetcorn out of the fridge, I realised what the sweet/sour yucky smell had been that had assaulted my senses every time I'd opened the fridge since waking this morning - the open (but foil-covered) can of sweetcorn! Actually standing over the can and spooning it out was almost overwhelming - the smell was so nauseating! I talked to Neil about all this while I was making the dinner, and both of us were saying basically I'm definitely pregnant with that symptom alone! ;)
Then yesterday (6DPO), in the morning when I woke up, there was not a TRACE of that car/fuel yucky smell, and I didn't feel queasy at all, so I figured it was a blip the previous day. I was putting away the lunch things mid-afternoon and realised I felt a bit queasy. As soon as I paid attention to the sensation, I realised I could smell that yucky car smell again, not just a bit, but really strong. Ugghghhh. It really smells horrible! But apparently there's no smell there, according to Neil! So that continued until I went to bed for the night, and made me feel really travel/motion queasy, even outright nauseous at some points, when combined with the bloating and gassiness (also pregnant of me) that I seem to have. When Neil called from work and asked how I was feeling, I said the morning was fine, but now I was feeling yucky and the car smell was back. He charmingly said, "Wait - you're telling me that it's come on in the AFTERNOON again?! You're all knocked up!" :P And I realised that it's TOTALLY a morning sickness pattern for me. All my babies without exception, my morning sickness starts mid-late afternoon (or it's there all the time but it's unbearably worse from that time onwards), and continues until I fall asleep. Often it's not there at all on waking, and if I'm lucky, I don't suffer from it much until the afternoon. So... that really super-duper unnerves me! I would only have been 2 weeks and 5 days pregnant (5 days after I ovulated!!!) when it started!!! *gulp* The earliest it ever started before is 4 and a half weeks, with Lydia. Before that it was 5 weeks (Samuel), and the others were a day or two before the 6 week mark. No matter if it starts earlier, it significantly worsens from about 6 weeks onwards, so the fact that I feel like this now fills me with... wary anticipation! :/
So, I can't stand the smell of sweetcorn (funnily enough - or not, if you're as convinced as I am that I'm pregnant! - the same thing I've had an aversion to the smell/taste of in previous pregnancies), although I did eat some with dinner last night and it actually was fine. Once a week, Neil and I eat shop-bought lasagne and garlic bread. It's an easy meal that we enjoy and have eaten for years, but when I'm pregnant I can't take the extreme garlic at ALL and it feels too rich for my tummy. He has suggested it for a meal two nights running, and both nights I said no because I honestly couldn't stand the thought of it (and still can't). My stomach feels yucky with all this wind in it though, so maybe that's part of the problem? Although, going by my blog with other pregnancies, the yucky wind thingy is pregnant of me at this stage too (I've asked that question before at this stage - "Maybe it's just the windy tummy?" ;) ).
Today I have had some flashy pains in my right breast. This is marvellously pregnant of me! :) I was super duper excited to feel those happening, because I don't get those when not pregnant - I sometimes get tender breasts, but not flashy pains - those I get every time I'm pregnant in the 2WW. I blogged with excitement that I was feeling those at last, at 9DPO with Lydia! :)
I'm irritable, tired and intolerant of children's noise and even the slightest act of disobedience. *sigh* This is also pregnant of me - I realise it's also normal for basically motherhood in general, but for me, increase in these things while I'm waiting to test is usually a pregnancy sign. Today and yesterday I have had so much trouble feeling exhausted that I have prayed in bed when my alarm went off at 6.10 (and temped at that time too), and then fallen back to sleep, instead of getting up and starting my day with worship and prayer, etc. like I mentioned last entry. Even when I had not had nearly enough sleep, before this, I managed to get up anyway. Even sleeping longer this morning, I felt utterly shattered getting up, like I was just tooooo tired. I thought I would wake up a bit as the morning went on, but I've stayed exhausted instead.
Now it's 1.17pm and I have just noticed in the last 20 or 30 minutes that everything smells of badly perfumed CAR, uggghhh. I feel yucky and sick with it. I was fine this morning! :) Definitely hmmm....!
I have some really painful lower back pain today, since I got out of bed, but I don't know that it's pregnancy related - I think I must have done something to it (can't think what!), because it's like sharp muscle pain or something - on my right side. I do have some duller, cramp-like pain through the front in the same area, inside my hip an inch or so, so that IS the sort of place I get implantation pain... but I'm not sure if I've just injured something or other and that's the pain of it radiating through? I've tried massage, and my muscle behind my hip feels sore, but it hasn't helped. Other than that I've been mildly crampy, if that, and no bad cramps yet.... If I'm pregnant I will absolutely need to have bad cramps at some point very soon - I often have them before 7DPO, though sometimes not until today or tomorrow.... They usually occur out of the blue, and there's no mistaking them!
I'm trying to think if there's anything else.... I'm contining to have the "pregnant" CM that I talked about before, but a little less of it now. I guess I will wait to see what tomorrow's temp brings, and if it's up, I guess I MAY test if my new tests arrive in time, as I'll be 8DPO. Too early really, but yeah. I have had positive tests at 9DPO before, so to me, that's the day to start testing. If I had tests in the cupboard at 8DPO I would probably start then, though! ;)
I feel pregnant, and Neil is sure I am, but I feel very relaxed about it, happy to just wait and see it pan out. Or not, whatever. ;) So strange for me to feel this way! I'll update again soon! :)