Belly Gallery for Baby #7!

Here is my belly gallery for my 7th baby! :) I am totally missing the mark on my usual timings for belly pictures so far (14 weeks) but never mind! Here's the first one, taken at 7 weeks instead of the usual 5 weeks (the light was really poor and the camera was being weird, hence my attempt to rescue it by making it black and white!):

7 weeks pregnant

12 (and a half!) weeks pregnant

20 weeks and 6 days pregnant (and it's a GIRL!!!)

22 weeks (an on-time belly picture at last!)

28 weeks exactly, with my little ones all around me (an imitation of the 28 week belly pic from Elijah's pregnancy!)

32 weeks pregnant - it'll do as a belly pic as I'm sideways on, lol! Family photo taken by a random stranger on our holiday week in August. :)

38 weeks and 1 day! :)

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