4 weeks, 1 day

Just a quick post to note that my temp is hanging around lower than I'd like it (went up a tiny touch today) and even though I'm 15DPO today and not "due" to test again until tomorrow, I decided in the end to pee on a stick this morning anyway. I was SO relieved because the line (haven't had time to take a pic today) is much darker than yesterday's! How funny that it didn't change much at all from 12DPO to 14DPO, and then suddenly about twice as dark at 15DPO! In any case, it has reassured me greatly. Still hoping to see my temp go up tomorrow.

I am so exhausted today again, and I have had a really yucky headache from late afternoon onwards. I should have been in bed hours ago, but Neil and I had to discuss loads of stressy stuff about moving house and family things, and then I needed to make a Tesco order online for tomorrow, otherwise we won't have much for dinner and will have run out of milk for the next day! So I've done that now. Totally done in. Going to bed. Feeling kind of depressed tonight, but so happy to have my little tiny person growing inside me! :)

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