While I lay there awake and trying to doze off, I had interesting sensations in the pit of my abdomen. I felt HEAVY, proper heavy, and full. Not quite a crampy sensation, but almost. I also had some clear BH contractions - never felt anything so clear that early on in pregnancy, or at ALL ever, when not pregnant. It was like almost vice-like pressure which was both increasing and tight on the front low down (like a contraction), and giving downwards pressure like a ball pressing into my cervix/rectum at the same time. TOTALLY distinct contractions. But totally painless. I had maybe 3 of them in the time I lay there.
I tested and got a clear negative, which I felt frustrated about, because I just don't like those new cheapy tests, and won't buy them again. They are not like they used to be! Anyway, I was nervous when I went to the loo first thing, in case I was bleeding. But I just had normal (pregnant!) CM, so I tested. Wiped again after - no spotting. I felt heavy and almost like a mildly crampy/pressing down sensation the whole time in the bathroom though. An hour later I went to check on my test for the millionth time (ha!), thought I'd better just check my underwear because of the continuing pressure/heavy/slightly crampy sensation, and saw nothing. I decided to bear down a bit and wipe, and there it was - red blood. :( I really did not get it, with the beautifully pregnant chart and all... But I totally presumed that was the start of my period and the reason for the drop in temperature.
I carried on as normal, treating it like a period starting. I felt almost continuously pressure-y and heavy low in my abdomen, but not particularly crampy as such, all morning. I have felt very irritable today, the kids are being impossible with huge water floods all over the kitchen, not doing their chores so more mess is made at the table, loo rolls unrolled everywhere, etc. Lydia is clingy and whiney and everyone is constantly asking me questions or telling tales on each other, often all at once, and I'm going crazy! I feel physically and mentally tired and overwhelmed today and want to be left alone to relish some silence and eat chocolate and pamper myself, but no can do. Not in the best frame of mind today, and I feel a bit annoyed with myself about that! :/
Sooo, around 1pm, having ignored the slightly gaggy moment I had over the smell of banana peel (how dare pregnancy symptoms torment me when I was having my period, lol!), I was reading the news to the boys about the Chilean volcano erupting, and Arthur said, "The headline says "very very frightened"!" and I said, "Yes, people were very frightened." and my voice TOTALLY broke and I choked up! Instantly, I got excited because - totally a pregnant thing for me, not when I have a period or even just before usually!
The pressure feeling was continuing, and I finally went to the loo to change, and check on the bleeding. I actually gasped as I saw the little bleeding that was there was BROWN - some dark brown/black!!!! It doesn't rule out a period, but it's extremely likely to be a pregnancy bleed rather than a period if that happened, from my extensive experience of early pregnancy bleeds! :)
AND the postman brought my First Response tests this morning after I first tested and got a negative, and I needed a wee (2nd morning urine, had been drinking tea and water so fairly dilute, and only a few hours after last wee), so I ran and got them, and peed on one! :)
BFPEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Faint but absolutely no denying the 2 pink lines!!!! So happy! I actually re-looked at the cheapy stick from earlier this morning, and maybe I'm making my eyes see something (and it wasn't there within the 10 mins or even 30 I think), but the dried out test has a faint greyish line (evap usually) that yesterday's faint dried out test of the same brand doesn't have, so mayyybeee! Since then I have felt SO very periody and crampy. Keep going to the loo (it's about an hour since I tested) to check but either nothing at all or some faint brown residue! Yay! Very positive. Not comfy about the bad cramps though, even though I know they're normal at 11DPO when pregnant... My skin is weirdly soft. I am shaking with adrenaline, though it could also be lack of lunch, it's so late but I got distracted, lol! Must go and attend to lunch/kids, but will be back later! :D