Anyway! Baby news, yay!! Lydia Jane was born at home on Wednesday 23rd October, at 11.47pm. She weighs 7lbs 5oz (3315g) and measures 51cm (20 inches) long. Here are three photos which I took at lunch time the next day (yesterday) at about 13 hours old - first opportunity with enough daylight and Lydia actually sleeping and not feeding or crying! ;)
Labour and birth went well, no complications, tiny first degree tear which didn't need stitches, exactly the birth I hoped for with zero direction and me feeling like a ROCK STAR immediately afterwards (I think I did actually say to everyone within 20 seconds of pushing her out, "I rock!!!" lol!). She's HERE, and oh she's a GIRL, really and truly (I keep checking!), and all the boys are so ecstatic, and we love her. She cries a LOT and seems uncomfy in her tummy quite a bit, and it groans horribly like she has wind or gunk or something she can't shift. She feeds most of the time, and hasn't let me sleep much more than a few hours in the almost-48 since she arrived, but hey ho, I am able to rest up in bed, and I feel pretty good.
More soon! I'm eager to share more detail, just finding the time is difficult since she is in my arms all the time and if I put her down she doesn't stay asleep for long - see, she is now making little squeally snorty noises and NOT looking happy! ;) So I will pick her up and feed her again. My milk isn't in yet, but I would think it might come in tomorrow sometime, or even overnight if it gets a move on. Sometimes my milk has been in by now, with other babies, so it shouldn't be long since she's feeding a lot of the time. Okay, cross baby - going now! :) Thanks for the comments and for keeping up, especially since I've kept you waiting if you don't know me at Facebook! Sorry! :/
I will post the birth story and more photos soon!