I didn't take any belly pics since I last posted one, BUT we did have a family holiday week in the last week of August, and while we were out and about, two days running we had a complete stranger come up to us and ask if they could take our picture for us (we got a lot of stares, lol!). This was taken the day before I turned 32 weeks pregnant, and since I'm standing pretty much sideways on, I can get away with using it for a belly picture! ;) Look at my brood of little boys! :)
So that will do as my 32 week belly pic! :) At least there's something of a photo record between now and the last one (28 weeks?). I REALLY intend to take a photo for 36 weeks, but I've been saying that quite a lot for previous weeks and still never got around to it. :/
I haven't got time to really think about how the past month has been - I'm sure there's a lot to report, but I am doing this update in the only time I will have - instead of the evening (when I can think a bit more clearly), I'm trying to whiz off an update while the boys finish their chores before we start school this morning, which ISN'T working as Samuel is fighting with Nathan right now, and then turning to take out his bad mood on Elijah, Benjamin has just gone for a poo which I will need to wipe in a minute, Matthew is mixing experiments in the kitchen instead of sweeping the floor like he's supposed to, and I think Elijah has filled his nappy which I should change! Soooo, that's about it for my update.
I will bullet-point the most important stuff, just incase I don't get chance in the next few days:
* I've been breathlessly exhausted lately. I asked the midwife to test my iron levels at my 36 week appointment on Monday this week, and the results came back with low iron - not TERRIBLY low (10.9) but not ideal. My norm in pregnancy is 12. something, and I started out at 13.1 this pregnancy, so 10.9 is low for me, even with the normal haemodilution during pregnancy. I have GERD and am already constipated, thank you very much (!), so I do not want to take iron tablets. I am on Floradix and hoping it works along with trying to eat more iron-rich foods.
* Trying to get ready for Lydia! Still sooooo much to do!
* LOVING all the little pink and floral clothes around the house!
* The boys now know her name and love it - they refer to her by name constantly, and it's lovely to hear! They are all SO excited that she's coming soon!
* She's SUPER active! Head down at every appointment so far - very thankful! And back usually to my left side, feet pushing on the right. She's very easy to feel, and I could even grasp her little foot through my tummy the other day! :)
Battery about to die and I have to deal with poo, so I'll have to stop. Back soon!!