Today, Neil is off work because it's my birthday. :) I am having a nice day to some degree, but mainly I am not well today. I feel dreadful with some fluey-coldy thing which Neil had reeeally mildly earlier in the week, but it has whacked me over the head like nothing else! That is quite normal in pregnancy, to get things badly even if you normally don't, because of a lowered immune system - one of the body's mechanisms to ensure that the little one doesn't get rejected. Anyway, I don't even like to take paracetamol in my first trimester, so I feel really rotten. I think I would feel a lot better if I could just take something for the aches and so on, but it will pass. I have had to keep going back to bed today as being up and dealing with the little ones makes me feel breathless and unwell after about 20 minutes. I am going to have another go at having a birthday when I feel better! :) I did get some lovely presents and cards, and my little ones drew me pictures and wrapped me things we already have around the house, and cute things like that! :)
My absolutely hands-down FAVOURITE present today is from God. I am 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant. That is precisely the day that the cardial tubes fuse together to form an S-shaped bend, and instantaneously, the rudimentary heart begins to beat for the first time. Today my baby has a heartbeat. There is nothing more awesome that I could possibly want for my birthday! :) When I realised earlier in the week that it would happen on my birthday, it made me so happy, and I really looked forward to today because of it! :)
The other thing I have today, for the first time, is a slight bit of brown spotting, but I am hoping that's fine. I am keeping an eye on it, but it really is hardly anything at all. I have some slightly crampy discomfort but nothing more than I have been getting from time to time, most days, anyway. I will see how that goes.
I self-referred myself (thanks to having the personal contact details of the head of community midwives at the hospital, from last time around!) to the midwives via a form I filled in online, at the weekend. They are obliged to send a copy to my GP, but hopefully they won't even read it, just put it in my file. I had to fill in a lot of details about my past obstetric history and so on. Glad I know the various abbreviations and such, that make it easier to fill in these forms without a midwife being there to do it for me! I should hear back from the team of midwives within 10 days with a first appointment date and also a date for my nuchal scan (at 12 weeks) - exciting! :) If my spotting continues for a while or gets any heavier, I will self-refer for an early scan, for reassurance.
I am still feeling morning sick, so that is a great sign. It is not at all bad - it seems pretty mild as far as my personal experience with morning sickness goes. It did start earlier than ever before, and I wondered if it might get worse as I approach the usual time for morning sickness starting. It started earlier than usual (5 weeks exactly) with Samuel, seemed mild-ish, and got a lot worse after the first week, so I'm still holding my breath and waiting to see! Nervous about that prospect. With Samuel I had to stop homeschooling for months, it was that bad. With Elijah it started a bit later than usual but was milder, and so school continued without any problems. It was so manageable, even though I felt sick and yucky most of the day, and I am reeeeally hoping for that kind of experience this time. I just really wish it could be mild enough so that I can carry on unhindered, with school and mothering and meal-preparation, and so on. It would be so nice! :) It started a week ago tomorrow, but normally wouldn't start until a few days from now, so we'll see.
We still haven't told the boys, and I am still thinking about how to tell. I think I would love to take a photo of them as well as the announcement, in some way that announces our new baby on the way. I am enjoying thinking about the various possibilities there too! :)
One of my presents today was a Willow Tree pregnancy figurine! I have loved that one for years, and I'm so happy to have one! It makes my heart happy every time I look at it!
Well, there is probably more I could write about, but I think I will just update again another time. I am not feeling good and I should probably rest a bit before helping with the boys' bedtime. I'm so thankful for Neil being at home today. He is back to work tomorrow, and I'm quite nervous about how I will manage the boys while I am like this. Hopefully I will somehow be over the worst by the morning!